This post is exceptionally in english, as I wish to send greetings to my international colleagues.
Greetings from Algarve, Portugal!
It was not bad at all to embark on a work-related trip to the south of Europe this week. Especially as we also had some free time included, and most of all, had the most special and lovely colleagues around. How exciting!
I had the priviledge to travel with my Finnish idols. Lotta Lassenius-Panula introduced me to Theraplay in 2001 and her and Ilona Vierikko were one of the trainers in my Theraplay Level 1-training. Both ladies have worked as my supervisors during the past years. A fan with her idols, how cool was that! I have followed their lead and am now the chairman of the Finnish Theraplay Association; proudly continuing in their footsteps. Lots of laughter and fun on the trip with these two sweethearts <3
With Lotta Lassenius-Panula and Ilona Vierikko.

Theraplay has spread all over the world, to every continent. It is thrilling to get to know your colleagues around the globe, who share the same enthusiasm to this method.
I met a dutch trainer called Bettie Sleeuw in our Finnish seminar in 2014. She invited all theraplay-trainers to Portugal this October. Bettie has a villa, which was 200 years old, in Loule. A very beautiful place! We worked there, partly inside with Power Points, but also sitting outside on our workshops.
Bettie’s daughter runs a hotel Casa do Alto in Loule, so that’s where we stayed the nights at. A very nice hotel: we recommend!
Altogether 20 Theraplay-trainers and supervisors gathered together. Can you believe it that we came from as many countries as Holland, Denmark, Finland, the UK, France, America, Canada, New Zealand and Chile!

Theraplay-therapy has spread widely and is a well known and scientifically based attachment-fostering therapy globally. We are very happy to see it grow and develop.
What was really special about this meeting, was to get together with Phyllis Booth again. She is a 91 years old wonderful lady, another of of the founders of Theraplay among Ann Jernberg. To me the thought that Phyllis has studied with the father of the Attachment theory, John Bowlby and also Donald Winnicott, is amazing. I really look up to Phyllis and feel so proud to have been able to learn from her.
As you see, Theraplay also keeps you young and going! 😉

After working for a while, we headed to the Algarve beach for a lunch and beach time.
It was sooo much fun! The waves were huge, and the ocean water was warm. I swam and laughed, and swam and laughed like a child. I was just having a blast and could have stayed in the water forever.
And more work again! We considered Theraplay-trainings and supervisions and country differences.
We also celebrated the new Parenting with Theraplay-book by Vivien Norris. We were so surprised that Phyllis gave us all that book! Still thanking you Phyllis and Viv, I really love that book and recommend it to everyone!
We sang a lot and played together. Theraplay connects. This international family is a real blessing. I am so grateful to be a part of it.
The world just needs more Theraplay. <3

Thank you Phyllis, thank you Bettie and thank you all the colleagues! I feel touched and connected. What a special group of friends, whom I hope to see many, many times again in the future.

4 Responses
Aivan hurmaava kokonaisuus! Kiitos paljon. Olet hyvin taitava!
Kiitos ihana Ilona! 🙂
This is so wonderful Leea. You have a beautiful eye for photos!! It was so good to meet with you Illona and Lotta and really hope to connect with you all again
Love Ali
Thank you so much Ali! Stay in touch. We will meet again <3